Sunday, June 22, 2008

An Eagle Eye Moment

Here is an award-winning speech blogger Kenneth Lim can deliver for you at your next function:

Eagle eye is power of discernment. It is understanding the implications of what we see. It is our answer to the all-seeing prowess of the eagle. For many of us our eagle eye has been lying dormant, ignored like our appendix, and life has been a crazy blur. Let's open up our eagle eye because it is clarity, and clarity makes us do the right thing!

I'm going to walk you through two eagle eye moments and an exercise visualizing a third one. Hopefully, they inspire you to keep life meaningful, focused and happy. Fair enough?

At the start of my career in sales, I hawked encyclopaedias door-to-door, badly. Then I had an out-of-body experience. No, I didn't die, float up to the ceiling and look down on my corpse. I was very much alive, thank you, when I mentally left my physical self still peddling books in an apartment building. Now floating in the night sky outside, I looked in on myself, a tiny stick figure moving down a hallway, and I realized I was playing a numbers game! Every door I knocked on, every rejection I racked up, brought me one step closer to a sale. It was my eagle eye moment, learning the law of averages, weeding out the no's to get to the yesses. I stopped hoping for sales and started expecting them, and they came. From books, I've moved on to bigger and better things but still observe the lesson I learned that night.

Watch out for distractions, and I'll tell you why. Once, when I was still dating, I wanted to take a snaphot of my girlfriend in a park and in the distance was this lady in a bikini sunbathing. My camera, on auto focus, bypassed my girlfriend and zeroed in on the sunbather. The result was a blurred image of my girlfriend. Guess what she had to say about that. Nothing. Just rip-rip and the cold shoulder! This incident was my other eagle eye moment. I learned that distractions can clutter up your life and make you miss your goal. Now I'm always busy un-cluttering my life of distractions, the litter under my bed, the pile of old bills, the to-do's that haven't been done. I'm constantly after myself to take the trash out already- and start my day on a clean slate! The results have been, like a tide commercial, just amazing! And as for the girlfriend who tore up that picture, well, she's now my wife.

Is your view of life distorted by television babble and information overload? Let's have an eagle eye moment together - a vision-clearing exercise, if you will. Are you game? I'd like you to close your eyes in meditation, breathing deeply. And imagine yourself an eagle - massive, sharp-eyed, wide-winged. Now open up your eyes slowly, and imagine yourself doing what I say he does.

He clasps the crag with crooked hands, close to the sun in lonely lands, ringed with the azure world he stands. The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls, he watches from his mountain walls, and like a thunderbolt he falls. The Eagle, a poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

When you're way up there, the world becomes a circle around you. Imagine it to be the circle of life with birth, growth, learning procreation, gradual decline and death. You can say it is the fulfillment of life, your total earthly experience. Search deep inside yourself. Doesn't it feel right to nurture and enrich life? Doesn't it feel wrong to deplete and impoverish life? See? Y0u have it in you - a steward's wisdom calling for proper care of this circle.

Do you have work dilemmas, negative distractions, life's delusions? Do you want to soar above them, see the big picture, find answers? Open up your eagle eye because it is clarity. And clarity shows you the way. Clarity will make you happier and more self-confident because it reassures you this - you can face any crisis knowing that at the end of the day when all is said and done, you will do the right thing.

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